Week 6

14 Sep

Thanks once again to everyone who came to the show at the Brighton Improv Temple last week.

My favourite moments:

Panda chat in the Boring game: “That’s not bamboo, it’s mambo.  Let me show you what to do with it!”

Confrontation and the feud of the hamster cage cleaning in Mortal Enemies

Doling out romantic sausage in the Local Drama

This Thursday The Fish march on!  8pm at The Brighton Improv Temple.

And next week (23rd Sept) we play guest host to the fabulous Short and Girlie Show.  The show has the later start of 9pm.

ALL the shows are still FREE for the whole of September.

The final Sunday workshops this month is this week.  A two hour workshop between 4 and 6pm on 19th September for £5. Take a look at what have on offer at:  The Brighton Improv Temple

or follow the twitter @improvfish


Brighton Improv

A Fish Called Improv

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